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DigiPals is aligned to academic standards to ensure positive learning outcomes and the development of essential skills.

Teaching and motivating writing through authentic writing experiences.

Writing skills that students can improve through DigiPals:
Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Structure, Transitions, Vocabulary, and Creative Writing. 


Aligned to Common Core, TEKS, IB, ACTFL

Social & Emotional

Socio-Emotional Learning through 

real-life stories and first-hand interactions.

Socio-Emotional competencies that students can develop through DigiPals:

Empathy, Respect, Curiosity, Self-Awareness, Collaboration, Communication, and Reflection

Common Core, TEKS, IB, Social Justice, ISTE, CASEL, ACTFL

Digital Citizenship

Acquiring Digital Citizenship knowledge through first-hand experiences.


Digital citizenship skills that students can acquire and practice through DigiPals:

Digital Etiquette, Digital Literacy, Digital Communication, Digital Access.



Aligned to Common Core, TEKS, IB, Social Justice, ISTE, CASEL, ACTFL

Global Competence

Developing Global Competence through authentic global connections.


Skills, values, and behaviours that students can gain through DigiPals:

Investigating the World, Recognising Perspectives, Communicating Ideas, Taking Action, and Adapting to Different Environments.


Common Core, TEKS, IB, Social Justice, ISTE, CASEL, ACTFL, and College, Career, and Civil Life C3.

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